Can A Brand Refresh Help Increase Your Sales?

Let's Find Out

Can A Brand Refresh Help Increase Your Sales?

Let's Find Out

Are you feeling the pressure to stay relevant in today's ever-changing business landscape? With new trends emerging constantly, it's easy to feel like your growth has hit a plateau. You might consider, a brand refresh to help boost sales. But what exactly does that entail?
A brand refresh goes beyond only updating your logo and color scheme (although these are crucial details we'll revisit later). It's very common to think this way after seeing big companies like Dunkin', Starbucks, and even GE showcase their new logos.

 Beyond the outward-facing design, it's about forging deeper connections with your clients, fans, and potential customers. Merely changing the look won't feel authentic. When refreshing your brand, it's essential to consider:

Marketplace Awareness: Understand where you stand in the market and how you can differentiate yourself.
Problem-Solving Confidence: Show your clients that you have the expertise and confidence to solve their problems.
Vulnerability: Don't be afraid to show the human side of your brand – the highs and the lows.
Storytelling: Share the stories behind your brand to create emotional connections with your audience.
Community & Culture: Foster a sense of community within your brand and company culture.
Visual Identity: Refresh your visual elements, including colors, logos, and marks.

When it comes to branding, Marty Neumeier said it best: 

"A brand is a person's gut feeling about a product, service, or organization." 

To evoke specific feelings, your brand must look, feel, and be consistent across all touchpoints. Beyond colors and logos, here are a few more things you can consider:

Email communication style - How do you sign off? What tone do you write in?
Sales deck aesthetics - are you presenting the same level of execution that you have on your website/social media?
Social media presence - is your social media consistently providing value to your customers?
Direct message responses - what is the tone you are using and how fast do you get back to customers?
Storytelling approach - is what you are saying linked to interesting stories?
Endorsements and who you support - who you support says a lot about who you are as a brand
Stance on relevant topics - do you pick a side when it comes to topics or ride the fence?
Internal documents and messaging - what you do externally will have big impact if you can do it internally.
Employee perception of the company - what do people say behind closed doors?
Website design - is it easy to navigate and fit with the tone and look of everything else?
Copywriting tone - how you say things matter

Consistency is key. This can feel like a lot to do, but in a few weeks with some concentrated guidance it is entirely possible. Now we know, a brand refresh isn't just about updating your visuals; it's about realigning your brand to evoke the desired emotions in your audience. So go for it!

Reminder: When working with a graphic designer, it's essential to ensure they know strategy and you are paying for it, if you're relying on them to do more than just design the graphics.

At the end of the day, a consistent visual and communicative brand refresh can lead to increased sales. The goal of any business is to profit, grow, connect, and thrive. If your brand is ready to inspire confidence or communicate its value effectively, you will start to see the needle move. Use the brand refresh to unlock your full potential by optimizing your messaging, visual identity, and overall brand experience. By presenting a cohesive and compelling brand story, you'll attract more customers, drive more sales, and ultimately, achieve greater success.

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