Are we a good fit?

Always helps to do some research before diving in.

Are we a good fit?

Always helps to do some research before diving in.

A graphic designer turned brand strategist turned creative director.  In short, it means my mind is always playing with fresh ideas! I've shared a few of those with:

It can be frustrating looking for how much it costs to work with someone, how they work and who they work with. So here it is... all laid out. If you feel like we are a good fit, don't hesitate to reach out. 
This is what I can help you with.
A strategic one-on-one for content creation? Let's go.
An idea sound board for your marketing ideas? Yes.
Website SEO and optimization? Let's nerd out together. 
Brand development and positioning? Absolutely. 
A completely private eye (yes, we can do NDAs for big projects)
Working hand-in-hand with you to revamp your entire brand messaging framework for the future? Figuring out social media? Enticing target audiences? Oh, now we're talking!

This is how I work.
Everything I do starts with discovery > 1-5 calls where we (together) get super-clear on:
the scope of work
expectations and deliverables
budget and payment details
From there on out, it's lights, camera, and a whole lot of research, writing, editing, and ideas blazing action. All me.
The end? Almost never the end. We review, approve, and exchange smiles (and money). This cements our partnership - which continues into years after the first payment is sent. We're partners now. Til death do us part.

This is who I work with.
Brand owners: Founders. CEOs. Your kid's pet dog. I love dogs!
Teams: I appreciate a good copywriter + marketing manager relationship. I also manage creative teams myself. And train them.
(If you'd like to hire me as part of your team - as a writer or external consultant - don't hesitate to reach out)

This is my style.
Teaching: I looove to collaborate! I have a lot to say, share, and show you. But I want to hear all of your ideas and help you frame them. 
This is how much I charge.
For consultations, my standard rate is $199 per hour.
For project-based pricing, a discovery call will be required to assess the scope, deliverables, and budget.
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